Life, Death, Love
The Dreamcatcher, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 61cm x 76cm
Lobna Bayoumy - A Tranquil Moment, oil paint on panel. 18 in x 24 in, 2021, $2000
2023 Exhibition
First Place Award Winner
Hari Lualhati
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb, Medium:Oil on Aluminium Panel, Size: 59.6 cm x 59.6 cm, Date Created: 2023
WE ARE ALL CONNECTED - The Fruitful Impact of Unity, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 67cm x 67cm, Date Created: 2022
The Essence of Being Beautifully Broken, Medium: Oil on Canvas,Size: 120cm x 87cm
Honorable Mentions
Ruta Naujalyte - Untitled, soft sculpture, mini textile, 12x 13x 7 cm, 2020, 1200eu
Galya Budagova - Friends. Film photo. 21x29 cm. 2022. $350
Neeva Boroomand - String Theory - 22x36 Acrylic on Canvas
Xinan Yang - “I Still Care”, Oil on linen, 120x85cm, 2022, 5000£
Second Place Award Winner
Sara Khaleghi
Echoes of the Infinite - 30 x 40 cm, colored pencils, Summer of 2023, $500
Merit Award Winner
Jenny Chernansky
Sleep/Persona, photograph, 16 x 20, 2020
Notable Entries
David Bennison - 'Liquid Orifice', oil on canvas, 61cm x 61cm, 2023, £600.00
Christine Sopata Silva - 'Unhealthy Eyes', Oil on Canvas, 8 x 10, 2023, $900
Izzy Nilsson - 'Antonia', Oil on Board, 59 x 84cm (A1), July 2023, €1200
Rachel Vergara - Your Heart is Where Mine Lies 2022, Charcoal on Bristol Paper Mounted to Wood 13"x13"
O Yemi Tubi (MOYAT) - Baby Girl and the Thorns, Oil on canvas, 25,5" X 15.5", 31st August 2023, $775.00
Barlas Omay - Death with Style, Digital Collage, 70x50cm (height and width of frame), July 2021
Stephen Von Mason - Enthusiasts, oil on canvas, 24" X 24". 2023 - $2,000.00
Irene Sofia - I Rise! Immortal Spirit: Digital Photo as Metal Print, 40" x 60", created 02/23, price $7200
Kenneth Henckel - Can hardly breathe, oil on paper and glass frame. 67 x 88 cm, 2021, $857 USD
Bui Hoang Duong - Spirit money no. 8, 26 - 17 cm -1 cm, Mixed media on canson paper, 2023, 700 USD
Qian Jiang - Utopian Mountain: #4, Photography, 2019
Jenny Jiyoung Han - The Language of Love, Digital Painting, 2022
Morgan L. Silk - From Within, Watercolor on paper, 24x20, October 2023
Madison Wareham - Change is in the Wind, 6" x 24", Intaglio Print on Paper, 2022, $180
Julie Freyholt - Unfortunately, Oil on canvas, 30” x 40”, 2018, NFS
Nguyen Hien - Love 01, 100x80cm., 2023, Mixed media on canvas, $2000
Hailey McGuire - Learning to Swim, 30” x 40”, Mixed media on canvas, $700
Sayan Adhikari - Self, mixed media on top of photographic paper, 30' X 44', 2023
Darina Kharaman - I'm Sprouting, photograph, A1 format, 200 Euros
Marcela Solana - BRIGHTNESS BEYOND MEASURE. Acrylics on canvas. 2020 . 100X100cm / 39.4x39.4in, $3,300 USD

Gabriela Domville - Fallen from paradise, 8x8”, Oil on wooden panel, $2,100.

Corvea, Xiaowen Zhang - Evidence buried in a midsummer rainy night, 2D, digital painting, created on Jul 26, 2023

Wu Ying - Core 03: Termination, digital painting, size variable, 2023

Gala Museridze - “Garden of Eden Dawn", 110 X 110 cm, textured gesso, acrylic, mixed media, 2013

Sébastien Notre - JEUX / oil on canvas / 2022 / 150 x 300 cm / 8000 euros

Joanna Li - REMINISCENCE, Film still, 1920 x 1080p, 2021

Alice Robb - Unhappy Land, ("This is the place" series), Collage, a mixture of paper and Coated paper, 229mm X 178mm, October 2022

Danni Yao - Oil paint on canvas

Aunia Kahn - Eternal Arc and Saintly Intersections, Watercolor, Gouache, Colored Pencil & Gold Ink, 6.5” x 8.5”, September 2023 ***SOLD

Thomas Powers - Canto IX, Relief print, ink and flashe on canvas 244 x 183cm, One of a kind, 2021

Irina Pashina - Portal, 50x35 cm, acrylic cardboard on canvas, 2023

Amber Lowe - "Summers End", Oil on Canvas , 36 x 48 in., ($750)

William Josephs Radford - Blood Oranges (2020), Photography, 12x18 Inches, £500

Anna Nesterenko - A Journey to the Inner Child, Oil on Canvas, 100×80cm, UK, 2023

Julie Zhu - Releasing, 1600x1000, digital, NFS

Allis Chang - Afterlife 2, digital photography, cheesecloth, raw silk sari ribbon, models: Byron Scott Adams & Kolby Keene, 2022
Benedetta Chiari - Inside my exuvia, Hahnemühle paper and Cotton thread, 3 pieces for 300cmx36cm, 2023

Anca Munteanu - The MUSE, oil, acrylic and metallic colors, 90x120x3 cm, June 2023

Keer Zhang - The Oneness , Print on the paper, 45cmX55cm, 2023

Michael Stevenson - STILL, Acrylic, Watercolor, and No. 2 Pencil on paper, September 2023, 12" x 28", $2,500

Alexis Arnold aka Scorpio Encaustics - "Behind Lock & Key", Mixed Media Encaustic, 10x10x1.5 inches, NFS, 2023

Carolyn Tillie - Mixed Emotions – All Mixed Up, 35cm x 33cm x 24cm, 2023, $1,600

Kyra Goodwin - Hysteria, digital illustration, 2023

Cheryl Lehtonen - Louie, oil, acrylic, and a touch of watercolor, 8 x 10, 2023

Nikolaos Baralos - The Flowers of Silence, acrylic colors, 60x60 cm canvas, 2023, 28.000 Euro
Yuhan Cai (aka Jaclyn Cai) - Reincarnation, Photography, 40cmx30cm, 2023

Simone Rioux - THE BEAUTY OF DECAY, Acrylic on Canvas, 18" x1 8", Winter 2020, $250.00 CND

Kiara Alexander - Stardust & Soliloquies, Oil painting, 12” d, 2020

Daniel Rocha - Once Upon a Beautiful Life, Metal Sculpture, 16"x 7"x 8", 10/20/2017, $500.00

Miranda Pertierra - “Butterfly Garden” , color pencil, dyptich 50 x 42, 2022, $5,000
Andrew Carroll - Graveyard, mixed media

Anand Manchiraju - Abstract Expression 1, Acrylics on canvas, 40x60 Inches, 2022, $8000

Antonina Pidlisna - Flying horse, stained glass art, mixed media, 20x30 cm, 2017, £350

Skyler Yixian Liu - Lost in Time, Stone Lithography, 2021, 62x50cm, edition 20, £400 without frame, £460 with frame

Xinyue Zhang - The Concept of Self, UV print, tissue paper, newsprint, nylon lines, 50cm x 70cm

Aneta Imbierowska - Room 35, Oil on Canvas, 30x40cm, 12x16 inches, October 2023 $350

Zain Majeed - The Void (2023), 24x36 in. Acrylic, Oil Pastel, Pen on Canvas and Paper

Shannon King - Wheel Of The Dead, collage, 2.5 ft x 2 ft, 2021, $350

Setsuko Chiba - Lover’s Death – Blue Pietà in Red H300mm x W329mm, $800

Pamela Torres - "Butterfly Blessings", Soft pastel and marker on Bristol board, 18 X 23 inches, 2020, $160

Melissa Snyder - “Sightless”, digital, 11x14, 10/5/23, $50

Chloji - Love Life Death, Digital art, 2-dimension, 2023/10/12

Hércules Scapo - Untitled, Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, 75x91cm, September 2023, $170

Aulia Putri Herwita - Root and Flesh, Mixed Media on Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm, 2022, $400

Meghan Oona Clifford - Loom, acrylic on stretched canvas, 30x40", 2023

Mika Griego - You Cried Me, 2022, Acrylic, charcoal, oil pastel on canvas, 33 x 42”, $2,200

Rachel Rowden - Santa Barbara, 12x12, acrylic on board, October 2023, $500 framed

Yuxin Xiao - CHOICES, Oil Painting, 95x95cm, 2023
Qili Xu - Shining Warmth, 10.65x13.22cm, 2023, $50

Morgan Hill - WITNESS, 2022, Poplar, paint, plexi mirror, hardware, 80H x 90W x 2D”, $11,000

Yang Yumeng - Dining With Me (Grape Spoon), Textile/ Mixed Media, 65x35 cm, 2023, Not for Sale

Heather Raymont - Interstice, Oil on Plywood, 36x40 in., 2023

Athiyya Naladevi - Limbo, Oil on canvas, 70CM x 90CM, 07/10/23

Bethany LeJeune - En Memoire, Embroidery on linen, 36" x 27" x 13", 2023, NFS

Jessica Castaneda - "Persephone's Descent", Watercolor & Colored Pencil, 11"x14", 09.01.2023, $333

Venessa K Parker - Sol Crest, 2022, 16.5 x 11.7 in, acrylic and collage on paper, $400

Kwabs Owoahene - The Alchemist, Acrylic painting, 86 cm x 58 cm, May 2023, N/A

Elizaveta (Liza) Svirskaya - The Gaze, A4, November 2022, Graphic 50

Rachele Cavina - True colours .2, Acrylics on mounted canvas, 40x50cm, December 2020, £350
Lena Loshonkohl - “Four Years Later,” acrylic, embroidery and gold leaf on fabric.

Li River, thread painting, cotton embroidery floss on canvas, 3.5 inches, 2022, NFS

Patricia Guerrero - Sentate con… (Sit With…), Wooden Rocking Chair, Wooden Table, Mantels, Lamp, Needles, Thread, Speaker, Audio, Variable dimensions, 2023

Yana Stupina ("Coma Yank") - "Black Water", 2023 Ink on paper 30cm x 41cm

Valdemar Joana - The epitome of "Evil-lution", Ball point pens and markers on A1 paper, 59.4 x 84.1 cm, 2023, 300 Euros

Susanna Honkanen - Time Flies, oil, 81x119cm, 2023, price 500€

Moussa Tairou (Mousse Illustre) - Nous, Encre de Chine sur papier artisanal 300gm., 29,7x42cm., 2023.

Erynn Nikki Riggio - Remember Me, Acrylic paint on canvas, 6-18-23

Shante Amanda Mero - “Splatter”, Abstract Acrylic, H-12in W-16in, $40

Ana Andreeva - "The Second Cheek: 07", photography, 10x10cm

Samantha Mphoka - Sidra, Colored pencils, 18 x 32 inches, 2023, $1500

Dalia Utiu - Metamorphosis I, Oil on wood panel, 14x11 cm, $325